Treating chronic pain without medication: The benefits of Chinese medicine

Introduction Chronic pain can have a major impact on life and reduce quality of life. Many people are looking for alternatives to painkillers in order to avoid side effects and find a sustainable solution. Traditional Chinese Medicine offers holistic approaches to treating chronic pain that involve the body and mind. In this article, you will […]
Qi gong for the spine: exercises to do at home

Introduction The spine is the backbone of our body and plays a crucial role in our health and mobility. A lack of exercise, stress or poor posture can lead to tension and pain. Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese practice, offers gentle exercises specifically designed to strengthen the spine and get the energy in the body […]
Say goodbye to back pain: more mobility with acupuncture

Introduction Back pain is one of the most common complaints in our modern society. Whether due to prolonged sitting, physical overload or stress – almost everyone has suffered from back pain at some point. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers acupuncture as an effective and natural method to relieve pain and improve mobility. In this article, […]
Neck pain caused by screen work: TCM strategies for relief

Introduction In times of working from home and hours of screen time, neck pain has become part of everyday life for many people. The constant sitting posture and looking at the monitor lead to tension and pain in the neck and shoulder area. Traditional Chinese Medicine offers effective strategies to alleviate and prevent these complaints. […]